速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / Autism: Simple communication

Autism: Simple communication





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異


Autism: Simple communication(圖1)-速報App

The application is a series of techniques, using which you will make communication between you and the child more simple.

Autism: Simple communication(圖2)-速報App

1. The visual schedule. Allows you to schedule activities for the child.

Autism: Simple communication(圖3)-速報App

2. Mini game of tokens. A fairly simple game in which you need to open all the tokens.

Autism: Simple communication(圖4)-速報App

3. Clicker / counter. Clicker allows you to collect quantitative data of the frequency of behavior, for a certain period of time.

Autism: Simple communication(圖5)-速報App

4. First - then. Allows you to compose a simple sequence of actions for the near future.

Autism: Simple communication(圖6)-速報App

5. I'm talking. Allows you to compose a visual suggestion.

Autism: Simple communication(圖7)-速報App

If you have any questions or suggestions on the development of the application - write to us at the email address:

Autism: Simple communication(圖8)-速報App
